Zero In™Roach & Ant Killer - Case of 12 aerosols

Aerosol Residual Roach and Ant Eliminator
项目# 128762

Zero In™Roach & Ant Killer - Case of 12 aerosols

Aerosol Residual Roach and Ant Eliminator
项目# 128762
  • On-contact killing
  • Kills for up to seven weeks
  • 表面喷

Product Description

Use Zero In™Roach & 灭蚁喷雾作为斑点或裂缝和缝隙处理,以控制蟑螂, 跳蚤, 银色的鱼, 蜱虫, waterbugs and other insects listed below. 使用本产品时,只能对发现或可能出现害虫的局部区域进行粗喷或裂缝处理. Spray surfaces until wet. 根据需要重复.

不要在食品/饲料处理场所的食品/饲料区域使用, 餐馆或其他商业准备或加工食品/饲料的地方. 当食物暴露或设备运行时,不要在服务区域使用. 服务区域是指提供预制食品的区域,如餐厅,但不包括可能准备或存放食品的区域.

盖上所有食物处理表面,盖上或移除所有食物和烹饪用具, or wash thoroughly after treatment.

食品/饲料区非食品/饲料区为垃圾房等房间, 厕所, floor drains (to sewers entries and vestibules), 办公室, 更衣室, 机房, 锅炉房, 车库, mop 壁橱 and storage (after canning or bottling).

Avoid contamination of food and feedstuffs.

杀死蚂蚁, Black Widow Spiders, 地毯甲虫, 蟑螂, 蟋蟀, 蝎子, 银色的鱼, 瓢虫和蜘蛛:在发现或可能隐藏这些昆虫的地方喷洒, including dark corners of rooms and 壁橱; cracks and 裂缝 in 墙; 在校正 and door and 窗框; behind and beneath sinks, 炉灶, 冰箱, and 橱柜; and around garbage cans, 管道 and other utility installations. Pests driven out of hiding places should be sprayed directly. 对蚂蚁来说,在门、窗周围以及其他害虫可能进入的地方喷洒蚂蚁痕迹. Repeat as necessary.

杀死棕色狗蜱和跳蚤:在宠物床和休息的地方彻底喷洒作为斑点治疗, nearby cracks and 裂缝, along and behind baseboards, 窗框和门框以及可能存在这些害虫的局部地板和地板覆盖物区域. 旧的宠物床上用品应在处理后取下,换上干净、新鲜的床上用品. DO NOT SPRAY PETS WITH THIS PRODUCT. 在宠物再次进入处理区域之前,应使用已登记的跳蚤和蜱虫控制产品进行处理.

杀死蚂蚁, Black Widow Spiders, 棕色狗蜱, 地毯甲虫, 蟑螂, 蟋蟀, 跳蚤, 蝎子, 银色的鱼, 除虫和蜘蛛:将少量喷雾直接喷在裂缝和缝隙上. 能够提供引脚流的设备应用于不同结构元件之间的点, between equipment and 地板, openings leading to voids and hollow spaces in 墙, equipment legs and bases where these insects hide.

Directions for Use


READ ALL DIRECTIONS COMPLETELY BEFORE USE. SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE. HOLD CONTAINER UPRIGHT. TURN SPRAY NOZZLE TO “ON” POSITION. APPLY IN SHORT BURSTS. For best results, follow directions for specific use areas. 由于可能有触电危险,请不要在电气设备内或设备上使用本产品. Do not use on animals. Avoid excessively wetting furniture and carpeting. 使用前一定要在不显眼的地方进行测试,因为一些天然和合成纤维可能会受到任何液体产品的不利影响. 对于植物,喷洒几片叶子,等待24小时再喷洒整株植物.

USE RESTRICTIONS: Do not allow adults, 孩子们, 或宠物 to enter the treated area until sprays have dried. Do not apply this product in a way that will contact adults, 孩子们, 或宠物, either directly or through drift. Remove pets, birds, and cover fish aquariums before spraying. Not for broadcast use on indoor residential surfaces. Do not apply when food is present. DO NOT CONTAMINATE FOOD AREAS. Avoid contamination of food and feedstuffs. Application is prohibited directly into sewers or drains, or to any area like a gutter where drainage to sewers, 风暴排水, 水体, or aquatic habitat can occur. 在使用期间或使用后,不要让产品进入任何排水管.


FLEAS AND TICKS: Prior to use, 用真空彻底吸净所有感染区域,并将真空袋放入室外垃圾桶. 适用于地毯,地毯,窗帘和软垫家具的所有表面. 如果宠物经常在家具下面和周围休息,请处理这些区域. 避免过度浸湿软垫家具和窗帘. 要杀死跳蚤,只需均匀地喷洒细喷雾即可. 要杀死蜱虫和其他有标记的昆虫,直接涂抹在害虫身上. 彻底喷洒到隐藏处,如裂缝和缝隙, on 墙 and 地板, 在校正, window and door frames. 以每秒一英尺的速度喷射,缓慢地扫过. 在喷雾剂干燥之前,不要让成人、儿童或宠物进入处理区域. Do not spray on pets or humans.

蟑螂, 蚂蚁, 蟋蟀, 蜈蚣, FIREBRATS, 蜘蛛, 和其他列出的爬行昆虫:除了彻底喷洒怀疑藏有这些害虫的房间的所有部分外,尽可能多地用喷雾剂接触昆虫. 应特别注意隐藏的地方,如水槽下面, behind and beneath 炉灶 and 冰箱, around garbage cans, 橱柜, along the outside of baseboards, 门框, frames and 地板, around and on drains, 管道, 管道, 背后的书架, storage and other utility installation areas, hitting insects with spray whenever possible. 要杀死蚂蚁,请在门、窗框和其他入口区域周围进行处理. Spray on ants whenever possible.

地毯甲虫:[真皮目[Trogoderma]]:直接喷洒尽可能多的昆虫. Spray all surfaces of upholstered furniture. 在可能的情况下,地毯和地毯的顶部和底部都应该彻底喷洒. Also treat 货架上, 壁橱, areas under furniture, 地板, 墙, 窗台, baseboards and wherever these insects are seen or suspected.

臭虫:轻轻地喷洒床垫,特别是在绒毛和接缝处. Take beds apart and spray in all joints. 处理踢脚板、模具、地板、墙壁、家具和其他受感染的地方. Allow treated articles to thoroughly dry before use.

EXPOSED STAGES of Granary Insects, 面粉甲虫, 大谷盗, 大米象鼻虫, Flat Grain Beetles, Cigarette Beetles, Confused 面粉甲虫, Drugstore Beetles, Lesser Grain Borers, Merchant Grain Beetles, Sawtoothed Grain Beetles, 粮食象鼻虫, Warehouse Beetles, Red 面粉甲虫, 粮食螨虫, 象虫科, Cheese mites and Indian Mealworms. 发现并处理受感染的包装货物和暴露的昆虫. 从食品室、架子和抽屉中取出所有其他物品并彻底清洁. Spray into cracks and 裂缝, 货架上, 抽屉、橱柜和其他昆虫容易聚集的地方. 在架子上放上干净的纸,喷雾干燥后放回包装.


所有户外应用必须仅限于斑点或裂缝和缝隙处理, except for the following permitted use: Applications to lawns, 的地盘, and other vegetation. 不用于种植用于销售或其他商业用途的植物, or for commercial seed production, or for research purposes. 当有风的情况下会产生雾气吹回喷雾器时,应注意避免喷洒. 喷洒表面并尽可能多地接触昆虫. Do not apply this product in or around bodies of water. Do not water the treated area to the point of run-off. Do not make applications during rain. Not for use in outdoor residential misting systems.

蚂蚁:喷洒蚂蚁痕迹、蚁丘、蚁丘和其他进入和侵扰的地方. Spray on ants where possible.

蜘蛛: Spray directly on spiders and webs.

鼠妇, 千足虫, 甲虫, 蠼螋, 地面甲虫, 榆叶甲虫, Boxelder错误, 蠼螋, 三叶草螨虫, 团子虫, 蜈蚣, 蝎子, 蟑螂, 蟋蟀, 棕榈错误, 水虫:彻底喷洒到表面和隐藏的地方,如裂缝, 裂缝, 潮湿的地区, openings around 管道, 阀门, 存储区域, sheds and other areas where these pests tend to congregate.
苍蝇, 蚊子, 蚊子, Small Flying Moths, 蚊虫, Small Flying Insects, 白蛉, 黑蝇, 苍蝇咬, 鹿苍蝇, 面对苍蝇, 马蝇, 房子飞, 稳定的苍蝇, 醋苍蝇, 果蝇, 和其他列出的飞虫:把容器放在距离灌木12-18英寸的地方, 灌木, grassy areas and other areas infested with these pests. Spray with a slow sweeping motion. To reduce annoyance from these pests, treat surfaces of open porches, 天井面积, 屏幕, 窗框, 门和其他害虫可能以类似的方式发光或聚集的地方. Allow spray to dry before occupying the treated area.

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